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Purple Podiums

Measuring the satisfaction of the Association's employees

1. The current basic salary you receive is satisfactory to you.
2. The salary you receive compared to the time and the tasks you perform is satisfactory for you.
3. The incentive I receive for my work is fair and satisfactory for me.
4. Your direct manager discusses your performance during the evaluation process (clarifying weaknesses and the possibility of development)
5. The current model used for performance evaluation is appropriate for your job
6. The result of your performance evaluation actually reflects the reality of your work performance
7. You have confidence in what is being told or promised by the administration
8. You have sufficient authority to make a decision in case you request your job position for it.
9. You feel job security in the association
10. You have the information/data necessary to do your work to the fullest
11. Your direct manager treats you fairly enough
12. Your direct manager deals with you transparently
13. Your direct manager treats you with respect.
14. Your thoughts and opinions are taken into account by your manager when making decisions
15. Find an appreciation from your manager if you do special or extra work
16. You are provided with the required training for your career needs
17. The concept of working as a team in the association is clear and applied.
18. The current attendance policy of the association is clear and appropriate.
19. The open door policy in the assembly is applicable and useful.
20. The objectives of the association, which the senior management aspires to reach, are clear and understandable.
21. The advantages offered by the association are suitable compared to other local associations (incentives - leaves .. And others)
22. You have a clear, written and agreed guest description with your direct manager
23. The association provides assistance to you in case of personal emergency circumstances
24. The workplace where you work is comfortable and safe
25. You can express your opinion freely and without fear of your managers
26. How would you describe your morale at work at this time?
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